When I am photographing nature, I am not mirroring just the nature itself. I am most likely photographing the nature of myself. Reflections of myself. So that those landscapes and details of my soul are revealed on my pictures. I like to think of my photographs as PICTORIAL POETRY or PHOTO POETRY, which is my way of expressing things and feelings I am obsessed about. Mostly there are themes like love, death, pain, sexuality, humor. Universal stuff, really – life in general. Poetry is the language in what I can express myself in more abstract, therefore natural way, using elements from words and visuality from reality, I can place them to my world, and fold them together more suitable, lovable, magical way. Nature is always moving, so I am, I can´t define nor include myself into certainty. There is no truth nor objectivity, only visions… although the source may be the same…Don´t know.

Photographing is a process, which for me works both ways – from the inside out and from the outside in. Being in nature and letting myself go, just being in the moment, where I can wander, observe. Where I can let myself be amazed, thrilled, excited, aroused, loved, FREE. Feeling lighter, better afterwards – that is why I do it. Expansion of my world and the world beyond.

And again, I feel I have said too much. Thank you for reading it.

Oma fotokunstis keskendun looduse pildistamisele läbi enda tundespektrite. Ma nimetan oma loomingut fotopoeesiaks, sest nagu luules, kus kasutame sõnu ja kujundeid, mis on abstraktsemad ja sümbolistlikumad ning markeerivad mõnda tunnet, pildistan ma samamoodi loodust ja ennast selle osana. Sõnad, mida igapäevaselt kasutame, saavad luules oma rütmi või asetuse tõttu uue, laiendatud või iskiklikuma tähenduse. Minu kunstis toimub sama visuaalsete kujunditega — otsides valgust, tabades rütme ning püüdes enda põlemise peegeldust. Leida ümbritsevas vaid mulle avanev maailm. Seetõttu on mu fotod pigem abstraktsemad ja nende fookus suunatud sissepoole.