Lilli süda / The Heart of Lily
Exhibition is shown at Fotografiska Tallinn Cafe until the end of the year 2024.
Plants whispering to me all my deepest desires, making me long for another world, making my body one of them. Feeling the grass, sand, rocks, moss, wind with greater intensity. All my senses are opening up to their voices, songs, words. There is so much beauty in this world and it might never reveal itself to me unless I let myself go. Go on a journey, where my mind already travels, and let my body release me, forgive me, love me. There is no escaping this body. My body does not define me; it holds me and carries me. It anchors my soul, my mind. Does the heart just pump the blood? Does love really live inside me?
Selfportrait photography.
Cosmos / Harilik kosmos
By a stream
Between the branches
On a tree
Dirty Astrid
The Heart of Lily
Fading into ferns
Blow me, blow me away
Selfish 06.09
The Heart of Lily / Lilli süda
Ma kuulen lilli endale sosistamas sõnu, mis kõditavad mind kõige õrnematest õnarustest, lugedes mu mõtteid veel enne, kui olen neid märganud. „Ma tulen! Ma kohe tulen!“ vastan. Süüta noppimata õied.
Ma olen viinud oma keha maastikele, kuhu muidu rändavad vaid mu meeled. Loonud tunnetest pildid ja kujutluspiltidest tunded. Looduses pildistamine vabastab, rahustab, ergastab, muudab mind endale nähtavamaks, paljastab mulle maastikke endast, kuhu ma pole varem sattunud. Pakub mulle avastamisrõõmu, lohutust, vabadust ja armastust.
See fotoseeria on poeem südame meelelisest keelest.
I hear flowers whispering words to me that tickle my most delicate hollows, reading my thoughts even before I have noticed them. ‘I’m coming! ‘I’m coming!’ I answer back. Light the blossoms left untouched.
I have carried my body to realms where only my dreams have dared to roam. Creating images from feelings and awakening senses through images. Taking pictures in nature liberates, calms, excites, making me more visible to myself, revealing to me landscapes of myself that I have not been in before. Offering me the joy of discovery, solace, freedom and love.
This photo series is a poem about the sensual language of the heart.