My solo exhibition “On waves” / “Ma lainetan” took place at December 6th 2023 to January 14th 2024 at the Artrovert Gallery in Tallinn.

On the border between imagination and reality, my artwork invites the viewer to experience the sea of beauty and dream. These waves came to me like falling in love. They flowed over me and through me… I was helpless to do anything but photograph the process. Going out to the sea became an obsession and catching the right wave became an addiction. On one hand, it was very liberating – going out to the sea on a summer’s night and letting the rhythms of the water and the light carry me. But it was also distressing to feel the constant craving for magic.

Mu tööd on kui fotopoeesia meremaastikest – sensuaalne ja mõistatuslik pildiline luuletus. Kujutlusvõime ja reaalsuse piirimail kutsub see vaatajat kogema ilu ja unistuse laineid. See laine tuli mu juurde kui armumine. Lainetas üle ja voolas läbi. Olin abitu tegelemaks millegi muu kui vaid selle protsessi pildistamisega. Merre minek muutus kinnismõtteks ja õige laine püüdmine sõltuvuseks. Ühest küljest oli see väga vabastav – minna suveõhtul merre ja lasta end kanda vee ja valguse rütmidel. Aga samas ka piinav – tunda pidevat maagia otsingu iha.